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Gender: Male

Country: FRANCE

Registered: 2016-09-06


Last Send : 2024-11-08 at 13:11:59

733Km 186M 75Cm
3 886 004 Keystrokes
7 792 350 Clicks
(2 722 039 Left)(34.9%)
(5 022 143 Right)(64.4%)
(48 168 Others)(0.6%)
2 065 831 Scrolls
Uptime: 327D  04H  02Min
Usetime: 133D  08H  19Min
Avg/Usetime (/Hour)
1 214 Keystrokes
2 435 Clicks
( 851 Left )
( 1 569 Right )
( 15 Others )
646 Scrolls
1 300 Keystrokes
2 607 Clicks
(911 Left)
(1 680 Right)
(16 Others)
691 Scrolls
This Week
000M 0Cm
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  00H  00Min
Usetime: 0D  00H  00Min
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour)
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Avg/Day this Week
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Last Send
2Km 900M 58Cm
11 557 Keystrokes
46 938 Clicks
1 932 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  13H  29Min
Usetime: 0D  11H  35Min
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour)
998 Keystrokes
4 052 Clicks
167 Scrolls
5 161 Keystrokes
10 348 Clicks
2 743 Scrolls
Main Ranking
Distance : 628 / 25886
Keystrokes : 2415 / 25886
Clicks : 290 / 25886
Scrolls : 1474 / 25886
Uptime : 1443 / 25886
Usetime : 1403 / 25886
Week Ranking
Distance : - / 244
Keystrokes : - / 244
Clicks : - / 244
Scrolls : - / 244
Uptime : - / 244
Usetime : - / 244
Team Ranking
Distance : 9 / 62
Keystrokes : 12 / 62
Clicks : 6 / 62
Scrolls : 12 / 62
2 876 000 Keystrokes
6 362 000 Clicks
1 335 000 Scrolls
Last Donation
294 000 Keystrokes
623 000 Clicks
250 000 Scrolls
Association test
Giver Ranking
Distance : 20 / 136
Keystrokes : 36 / 136
Clicks : 8 / 136
Scrolls : 33 / 136

Bawwoooo's computer stayed on 327 Days 4 Hours and 2 Minutes, ie 10.9% of the time.

He spent 133 Days 8 Hours and 19 Minutes behind his screen.

He spends 4.5% of his life on his computer.

He uses his PC 40.8% of the time it stays on.

He is participating to the Marmot Project for 2989 days.

The distance his ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :

1 333 067 marmots in a queue

162 930 cars in a traffic-jam

2 767 aircraft carrier in a single file

342 Normandie's bridge crossing

15 Channel Tunnel crossing

1.3 pleins de gazole en Citroën AX

Bawwoooo used up 89 527 calories while using his computer (0 calories this week).

9 843 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).

78 818 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).

373 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).

494 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).


Lun - 0Km000M

Dim - 0Km000M

Sam - 0Km000M

Ven - 2Km900M

Jeu - 2Km310M

Mer - 0Km000M

Mar - 2Km718M


Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0

Ven - 11'557

Jeu - 10'310

Mer - 0

Mar - 18'015


Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0

Ven - 46'938

Jeu - 31'416

Mer - 0

Mar - 37'763


Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0

Ven - 1'932

Jeu - 513

Mer - 0

Mar - 1'115


Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min

Ven - 13H29Min

Jeu - 14H49Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 13H48Min


Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min

Ven - 11H35Min

Jeu - 12H02Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 12H33Min