Email :
Last Send : 2006-05-31 at 00:00:00
Informations : Joueur de basket handisport au CTH Lannion (en bretagne) et j'evolue en National 1B , equivalent a la pro B en valide ... J'aime les films , les voitures , les jeux sur consoles , enfin bref , rien d'extraordinaire !!
Total |
99Km 765M 27Cm |
1 259 530 Keystrokes |
380 980 Clicks |
(327 795 Left)(86%) |
(49 730 Right)(13.1%) |
(3 455 Others)(0.9%) |
339 643 Scrolls |
Uptime: 168D 04H 33Min |
Usetime: 36D 06H 23Min |
Avg/Usetime (/Hour) |
115M |
1 447 Keystrokes |
438 Clicks |
( 377 Left ) |
( 57 Right ) |
( 4 Others ) |
390 Scrolls |
Avg/Day |
14M |
179 Keystrokes |
54 Clicks |
(47 Left) |
(7 Right) |
(0 Others) |
48 Scrolls |
This Week |
000M 0Cm |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Uptime: 0D 00H 00Min |
Usetime: 0D 00H 00Min |
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour) |
0M |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Avg/Day this Week |
0M |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Last Send |
20Km 648M 72Cm |
285 581 Keystrokes |
69 053 Clicks |
85 500 Scrolls |
Uptime: 35D 10H 19Min |
Usetime: 7D 18H 07Min |
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour) |
111M |
1 534 Keystrokes |
371 Clicks |
459 Scrolls |
Avg/Send |
2Km 850M |
35 987 Keystrokes |
10 885 Clicks |
9 704 Scrolls |
Main Ranking |
Distance : 6889 / 25885 |
Keystrokes : 6892 / 25885 |
Clicks : 9135 / 25885 |
Scrolls : 7529 / 25885 |
Uptime : 3398 / 25885 |
Usetime : 6242 / 25885 |
Week Ranking |
Distance : - / 408 |
Keystrokes : - / 408 |
Clicks : - / 408 |
Scrolls : - / 408 |
Uptime : - / 408 |
Usetime : - / 408 |
Team Ranking |
Distance : 2 / 13 |
Keystrokes : 2 / 13 |
Clicks : 4 / 13 |
Scrolls : 5 / 13 |
royce's computer stayed on 168 Days 4 Hours and 33 Minutes, ie 2.4% of the time.
He spent 36 Days 6 Hours and 23 Minutes behind his screen.
He spends 0.5% of his life on his computer.
He uses his PC 21.6% of the time it stays on.
He is participating to the Marmot Project for 7036 days.
The distance his ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :
181 391 marmots in a queue
22 170 cars in a traffic-jam
376 aircraft carrier in a single file
47 Normandie's bridge crossing
2 Channel Tunnel crossing
0.2 plein de gazole en Citroën AX
royce used up 14 015 calories while using his computer (0 calories this week).
3 190 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).
10 725 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).
18 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).
81 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).
Mer - 0Km000M
Mar - 0Km000M
Lun - 0Km000M
Dim - 0Km000M
Sam - 0Km000M
Ven - 0Km000M
Jeu - 0Km000M
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 00H00Min
Mar - 00H00Min
Lun - 00H00Min
Dim - 00H00Min
Sam - 00H00Min
Ven - 00H00Min
Jeu - 00H00Min
Mer - 00H00Min
Mar - 00H00Min
Lun - 00H00Min
Dim - 00H00Min
Sam - 00H00Min
Ven - 00H00Min
Jeu - 00H00Min