Email :
Last Send : 2016-05-28 at 01:05:19
Total |
503Km 685M 62Cm |
8 989 423 Keystrokes |
3 388 495 Clicks |
(3 211 456 Left)(94.8%) |
(98 055 Right)(2.9%) |
(78 984 Others)(2.3%) |
7 520 903 Scrolls |
Uptime: 1 Year 147D 09H |
Usetime: 319D 19H 07Min |
Avg/Usetime (/Hour) |
66M |
1 171 Keystrokes |
441 Clicks |
( 418 Left ) |
( 13 Right ) |
( 10 Others ) |
980 Scrolls |
Avg/Day |
87M |
1 558 Keystrokes |
587 Clicks |
(557 Left) |
(17 Right) |
(14 Others) |
1 304 Scrolls |
This Week |
000M 0Cm |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Uptime: 0D 00H 00Min |
Usetime: 0D 00H 00Min |
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour) |
0M |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Avg/Day this Week |
0M |
0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks |
0 Scrolls |
Last Send |
3Km 800M 98Cm |
39 495 Keystrokes |
27 657 Clicks |
69 298 Scrolls |
Uptime: 6D 23H 40Min |
Usetime: 3D 02H 42Min |
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour) |
51M |
529 Keystrokes |
370 Clicks |
928 Scrolls |
Avg/Send |
1Km 325M |
23 656 Keystrokes |
8 917 Clicks |
19 792 Scrolls |
Main Ranking |
Distance : 1181 / 25885 |
Keystrokes : 707 / 25885 |
Clicks : 1088 / 25885 |
Scrolls : 232 / 25885 |
Uptime : 692 / 25885 |
Usetime : 291 / 25885 |
Week Ranking |
Distance : - / 293 |
Keystrokes : - / 293 |
Clicks : - / 293 |
Scrolls : - / 293 |
Uptime : - / 293 |
Usetime : - / 293 |
Team Ranking |
Distance : 2 / 2 |
Keystrokes : 1 / 2 |
Clicks : 2 / 2 |
Scrolls : 1 / 2 |
Rebastian's computer stayed on 1 Year 147 Days 9 Hours and 25 Minutes, ie 8.9% of the time.
He spent 319 Days 19 Hours and 7 Minutes behind his screen.
He spends 5.5% of his life on his computer.
He uses his PC 62.4% of the time it stays on.
He is participating to the Marmot Project for 5768 days.
The distance his ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :
915 792 marmots in a queue
111 930 cars in a traffic-jam
1 901 aircraft carrier in a single file
235 Normandie's bridge crossing
10 Channel Tunnel crossing
0.9 plein de gazole en Citroën AX
Rebastian used up 78 876 calories while using his computer (0 calories this week).
22 770 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).
54 146 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).
162 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).
1 798 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).
Ven - 0Km000M
Jeu - 0Km000M
Mer - 0Km000M
Mar - 0Km000M
Lun - 0Km000M
Dim - 0Km000M
Sam - 0Km000M
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 0
Jeu - 0
Mer - 0
Mar - 0
Lun - 0
Dim - 0
Sam - 0
Ven - 00H00Min
Jeu - 00H00Min
Mer - 00H00Min
Mar - 00H00Min
Lun - 00H00Min
Dim - 00H00Min
Sam - 00H00Min
Ven - 00H00Min
Jeu - 00H00Min
Mer - 00H00Min
Mar - 00H00Min
Lun - 00H00Min
Dim - 00H00Min
Sam - 00H00Min