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Gender: Male

Country: FRANCE

Registered: 2004-11-08

Team: Parti Pirate

Last Send : 2008-03-05 at 17:03:58

Informations : rejoignez nous sur Paranoïd Galaxy, c'est un petit jeu bien sympat ou on se marre bien. Biensure je vous conseil de rejoindre les force de l'Empire :-D

146Km 659M 97Cm
3 165 415 Keystrokes
921 820 Clicks
(872 883 Left)(94.7%)
(42 261 Right)(4.6%)
(4 956 Others)(0.5%)
1 508 800 Scrolls
Uptime: 230D  13H  21Min
Usetime: 77D  22H  37Min
Avg/Usetime (/Hour)
1 692 Keystrokes
493 Clicks
( 467 Left )
( 23 Right )
( 3 Others )
807 Scrolls
428 Keystrokes
125 Clicks
(118 Left)
(6 Right)
(1 Others)
204 Scrolls
This Week
000M 0Cm
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  00H  00Min
Usetime: 0D  00H  00Min
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour)
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Avg/Day this Week
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Last Send
428M 05Cm
8 849 Keystrokes
2 912 Clicks
1 719 Scrolls
Uptime: 1D  00H  00Min
Usetime: 0D  05H  10Min
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour)
1 713 Keystrokes
564 Clicks
333 Scrolls
8 374 Keystrokes
2 439 Clicks
3 992 Scrolls
Main Ranking
Distance : 5077 / 25885
Keystrokes : 3045 / 25885
Clicks : 4922 / 25885
Scrolls : 2108 / 25885
Uptime : 2350 / 25885
Usetime : 2910 / 25885
Week Ranking
Distance : - / 408
Keystrokes : - / 408
Clicks : - / 408
Scrolls : - / 408
Uptime : - / 408
Usetime : - / 408
Team Ranking
Distance : 2 / 3
Keystrokes : 2 / 3
Clicks : 2 / 3
Scrolls : 1 / 3

Napalm's computer stayed on 230 Days 13 Hours and 21 Minutes, ie 3.1% of the time.

He spent 77 Days 22 Hours and 37 Minutes behind his screen.

He spends 1.1% of his life on his computer.

He uses his PC 33.8% of the time it stays on.

He is participating to the Marmot Project for 7395 days.

The distance his ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :

266 654 marmots in a queue

32 591 cars in a traffic-jam

553 aircraft carrier in a single file

69 Normandie's bridge crossing

3 Channel Tunnel crossing

0.3 plein de gazole en Citroën AX

Napalm used up 24 189 calories while using his computer (0 calories this week).

8 018 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).

15 766 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).

44 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).

361 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).


Mer - 0Km428M

Mar - 0Km269M

Lun - 0Km254M

Dim - 0Km125M

Sam - 0Km083M

Ven - 0Km000M

Jeu - 0Km000M


Mer - 8'849

Mar - 9'299

Lun - 3'423

Dim - 2'866

Sam - 360

Ven - 0

Jeu - 0


Mer - 2'912

Mar - 1'953

Lun - 1'614

Dim - 816

Sam - 614

Ven - 0

Jeu - 0


Mer - 1'719

Mar - 1'461

Lun - 1'085

Dim - 816

Sam - 589

Ven - 0

Jeu - 0


Mer - 24H00Min

Mar - 24H00Min

Lun - 15H59Min

Dim - 24H00Min

Sam - 24H00Min

Ven - 00H00Min

Jeu - 00H00Min


Mer - 05H10Min

Mar - 04H06Min

Lun - 02H35Min

Dim - 01H45Min

Sam - 01H19Min

Ven - 00H00Min

Jeu - 00H00Min