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Gender: Female

Country: FRANCE

Registered: 2008-08-26

Team: CarolHeracle

Last Send : 2013-10-02 at 23:10:10

Informations : Je suis une jeune fille de 23 ans, j'aime passer du temps sur mon PC tranquillement... en traitements de textes ou bien en réseaux sociaux... Je ne m'attends pas à être là première au classement général, mais bon je me suis inscrite car j'ai trouvé cette idée sympathique...

133Km 895M 35Cm
1 807 081 Keystrokes
1 052 037 Clicks
(966 366 Left)(91.9%)
(83 326 Right)(7.9%)
(2 345 Others)(0.2%)
790 289 Scrolls
Uptime: 273D  12H  51Min
Usetime: 67D  14H  02Min
Avg/Usetime (/Hour)
1 114 Keystrokes
649 Clicks
( 596 Left )
( 51 Right )
( 1 Others )
487 Scrolls
303 Keystrokes
176 Clicks
(162 Left)
(14 Right)
(0 Others)
132 Scrolls
This Week
000M 0Cm
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  00H  00Min
Usetime: 0D  00H  00Min
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour)
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Avg/Day this Week
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Last Send
287M 66Cm
4 208 Keystrokes
2 407 Clicks
2 028 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  23H  40Min
Usetime: 0D  06H  28Min
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour)
651 Keystrokes
372 Clicks
314 Scrolls
3 937 Keystrokes
2 292 Clicks
1 722 Scrolls
Main Ranking
Distance : 5472 / 25885
Keystrokes : 5229 / 25885
Clicks : 4395 / 25885
Scrolls : 3935 / 25885
Uptime : 1882 / 25885
Usetime : 3437 / 25885
Week Ranking
Distance : - / 293
Keystrokes : - / 293
Clicks : - / 293
Scrolls : - / 293
Uptime : - / 293
Usetime : - / 293
Team Ranking
Distance : 2 / 3
Keystrokes : 2 / 3
Clicks : 2 / 3
Scrolls : 2 / 3

Mylene02310's computer stayed on 273 Days 12 Hours and 51 Minutes, ie 4.6% of the time.

She spent 67 Days 14 Hours and 2 Minutes behind her screen.

She spends 1.1% of her life on her computer.

She uses her PC 24.7% of the time it stays on.

She is participating to the Marmot Project for 5968 days.

The distance her ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :

243 446 marmots in a queue

29 755 cars in a traffic-jam

505 aircraft carrier in a single file

63 Normandie's bridge crossing

3 Channel Tunnel crossing

0.2 plein de gazole en Citroën AX

Mylene02310 used up 19 210 calories while using her computer (0 calories this week).

4 577 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).

14 394 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).

50 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).

189 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).


Ven - 0Km227M

Jeu - 0Km087M

Mer - 0Km000M

Mar - 0Km000M

Lun - 0Km000M

Dim - 0Km000M

Sam - 0Km000M


Ven - 4'259

Jeu - 1'485

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 1'146

Jeu - 369

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 2'760

Jeu - 821

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 23H59Min

Jeu - 23H59Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 00H00Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min


Ven - 03H37Min

Jeu - 01H28Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 00H00Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min