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Gender: Male

Country: FRANCE

Registered: 2008-05-18

Team: [F.L.A] Team

Email :

Last Send : 2012-08-05 at 03:08:03

Informations : Bla bla bla

112Km 601M 22Cm
960 172 Keystrokes
959 000 Clicks
(785 806 Left)(81.9%)
(173 147 Right)(18.1%)
(47 Others)(0%)
1 007 300 Scrolls
Uptime: 223D  13H  25Min
Usetime: 45D  10H  09Min
Avg/Usetime (/Hour)
881 Keystrokes
880 Clicks
( 721 Left )
( 159 Right )
( 0 Others )
924 Scrolls
158 Keystrokes
158 Clicks
(130 Left)
(29 Right)
(0 Others)
166 Scrolls
This Week
000M 0Cm
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  00H  00Min
Usetime: 0D  00H  00Min
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour)
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Avg/Day this Week
0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks
0 Scrolls
Last Send
1Km 135M 34Cm
18 410 Keystrokes
5 589 Clicks
8 791 Scrolls
Uptime: 0D  14H  23Min
Usetime: 0D  12H  55Min
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour)
1 425 Keystrokes
433 Clicks
681 Scrolls
994 Keystrokes
993 Clicks
1 043 Scrolls
Main Ranking
Distance : 6293 / 25885
Keystrokes : 8149 / 25885
Clicks : 4770 / 25885
Scrolls : 3168 / 25885
Uptime : 2437 / 25885
Usetime : 5170 / 25885
Week Ranking
Distance : - / 293
Keystrokes : - / 293
Clicks : - / 293
Scrolls : - / 293
Uptime : - / 293
Usetime : - / 293
Team Ranking
Distance : 5 / 9
Keystrokes : 5 / 9
Clicks : 5 / 9
Scrolls : 4 / 9

JimleFou's computer stayed on 223 Days 13 Hours and 25 Minutes, ie 3.7% of the time.

He spent 45 Days 10 Hours and 9 Minutes behind his screen.

He spends 0.7% of his life on his computer.

He uses his PC 20.3% of the time it stays on.

He is participating to the Marmot Project for 6068 days.

The distance his ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :

204 729 marmots in a queue

25 022 cars in a traffic-jam

425 aircraft carrier in a single file

53 Normandie's bridge crossing

2 Channel Tunnel crossing

0.2 plein de gazole en Citroën AX

JimleFou used up 14 823 calories while using his computer (0 calories this week).

2 432 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (0 this week).

12 105 calories used up while moving the mouse (0 this week).

46 calories used up while clicking (0 this week).

241 calories used up while scrolling (0 this week).


Ven - 0Km956M

Jeu - 0Km000M

Mer - 0Km000M

Mar - 1Km364M

Lun - 0Km000M

Dim - 0Km000M

Sam - 0Km000M


Ven - 2'939

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 2'017

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 5'689

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 40'522

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 19'390

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 11'856

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 27H45Min

Jeu - 00H00Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 16H21Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min


Ven - 11H37Min

Jeu - 00H00Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 10H52Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min