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Gender: Female

Country: FRANCE

Registered: 2019-08-16

Team: FR

Email :

Last Send : 2022-03-19 at 16:03:19

680Km 251M 14Cm
13 147 142 Keystrokes
4 284 818 Clicks
(2 926 850 Left)(68.3%)
(1 170 018 Right)(27.3%)
(187 950 Others)(4.4%)
3 109 858 Scrolls
Uptime: 295D  00H  47Min
Usetime: 216D  14H  37Min
Avg/Usetime (/Hour)
2 529 Keystrokes
824 Clicks
( 563 Left )
( 225 Right )
( 36 Others )
598 Scrolls
6 451 Keystrokes
2 102 Clicks
(1 436 Left)
(574 Right)
(92 Others)
1 526 Scrolls
This Week
6Km 894M 02Cm
143 184 Keystrokes
41 355 Clicks
46 173 Scrolls
Uptime: 3D  21H  18Min
Usetime: 2D  15H  57Min
Avg/Usetime cette Semaine (/Hour)
28 Keystrokes
8 Clicks
9 Scrolls
Avg/Day this Week
1Km 379M
28 637 Keystrokes
8 271 Clicks
9 235 Scrolls
Last Send
2Km 006M 25Cm
45 373 Keystrokes
12 500 Clicks
23 568 Scrolls
Uptime: 1D  06H  19Min
Usetime: 0D  20H  20Min
Avg/Usetime for the last Send (/Hour)
2 231 Keystrokes
615 Clicks
1 159 Scrolls
1Km 647M
31 833 Keystrokes
10 375 Clicks
7 530 Scrolls
Main Ranking
Distance : 718 / 25885
Keystrokes : 346 / 25885
Clicks : 791 / 25885
Scrolls : 872 / 25885
Uptime : 1690 / 25885
Usetime : 594 / 25885
Week Ranking
Distance : 24 / 354
Keystrokes : 19 / 354
Clicks : 31 / 354
Scrolls : 15 / 354
Uptime : 57 / 354
Usetime : 17 / 354
Team Ranking
Distance : 1 / 4
Keystrokes : 1 / 4
Clicks : 1 / 4
Scrolls : 1 / 4

Fine-SeveN's computer stayed on 295 Days 0 Hours and 47 Minutes, ie 14.5% of the time.

She spent 216 Days 14 Hours and 37 Minutes behind her screen.

She spends 10.6% of her life on her computer.

She uses her PC 73.4% of the time it stays on.

She is participating to the Marmot Project for 2038 days.

The distance her ran with his mouse is the equivalent of :

1 236 820 marmots in a queue

151 167 cars in a traffic-jam

2 567 aircraft carrier in a single file

318 Normandie's bridge crossing

13 Channel Tunnel crossing

1.2 pleins de gazole en Citroën AX

Fine-SeveN used up 107 377 calories while using her computer (1 117 calories this week).

33 302 calories used up while typing on the keyboard (363 this week).

73 127 calories used up while moving the mouse (741 this week).

205 calories used up while clicking (2 this week).

743 calories used up while scrolling (11 this week).


Ven - 0Km000M

Jeu - 0Km000M

Mer - 0Km000M

Mar - 0Km000M

Lun - 0Km000M

Dim - 0Km000M

Sam - 0Km000M


Ven - 0

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 0

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 0

Jeu - 0

Mer - 0

Mar - 0

Lun - 0

Dim - 0

Sam - 0


Ven - 00H00Min

Jeu - 00H00Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 00H00Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min


Ven - 00H00Min

Jeu - 00H00Min

Mer - 00H00Min

Mar - 00H00Min

Lun - 00H00Min

Dim - 00H00Min

Sam - 00H00Min