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Statistics Tux-Life

- Ranking -

Team created on the 2006-12-10 by Perceval

4 participating members

3 men (75%) 1 women (25%)

Tux-Life est un Jeu d\'Élevage de Tux.

Voici donc, Tux-Life on Marmot Project.

Total Avg/Member Global Ranking
263Km 65Km 939M Distance : 1016 / 2669
7 817 092 Keystrokes 1 954 273 Keystrokes Keystrokes : 641 / 2669
1 846 827 Clicks 461 707 Clicks Clicks : 956 / 2669
1 347 922 Scrolls 336 981 Scrolls Scrolls : 947 / 2669
This Week Avg/Member this Week
11Km 080M 28Cm 923M
376 232 Keystrokes 31 353 Keystrokes
75 885 Clicks 153 902 Clicks
69 928 Scrolls 112 327 Scrolls

The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:

479 558 marmots in a queue

58 613 cars in a traffic-jam

995 aircraft carrier in a single file

123 Normandie's bridge crossing

5 Channel Tunnel crossing

0.5 plein de gazole en Citroën AX

0.01 travels around the world

0.1% of the Earth-Moon distance