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Statistics ReD-TiG3rS ==> les no life

- Ranking -

Team created on the 2007-01-30 by kenshiro

7 participating members

7 men (100%) no woman

Objectifs : mesurer la durée de temps, de clics ect.. d\'un gamers de counter strike hihihi

bref pour prouver que je joueur est un No life donc !!

Total Avg/Member Global Ranking
229Km 32Km 726M Distance : 1090 / 2669
3 356 155 Keystrokes 479 451 Keystrokes Keystrokes : 1016 / 2669
1 515 391 Clicks 216 484 Clicks Clicks : 1052 / 2669
1 096 747 Scrolls 156 678 Scrolls Scrolls : 1038 / 2669
This Week Avg/Member this Week
19Km 495M 09Cm 557M
345 864 Keystrokes 9 882 Keystrokes
133 957 Clicks 43 297 Clicks
73 433 Scrolls 31 336 Scrolls

The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:

416 514 marmots in a queue

50 907 cars in a traffic-jam

864 aircraft carrier in a single file

107 Normandie's bridge crossing

5 Channel Tunnel crossing

0.4 plein de gazole en Citroën AX

0.01 travels around the world

0.1% of the Earth-Moon distance