Statistics P2J
Communauté du forum P2J.
Total | Avg/Member | Global Ranking |
195Km | 65Km 029M | Distance : 1178 / 2669 |
3 278 337 Keystrokes | 1 092 779 Keystrokes | Keystrokes : 1022 / 2669 |
1 126 267 Clicks | 375 422 Clicks | Clicks : 1186 / 2669 |
959 074 Scrolls | 319 691 Scrolls | Scrolls : 1100 / 2669 |
This Week | Avg/Member this Week |
000M 0Cm | 0M |
0 Keystrokes | 0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks | 125 141 Clicks |
0 Scrolls | 106 564 Scrolls |
The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:
354 704 marmots in a queue
43 353 cars in a traffic-jam
736 aircraft carrier in a single file
91 Normandie's bridge crossing
4 Channel Tunnel crossing
0.4 plein de gazole en Citroën AX
0 travels around the world
0.1% of the Earth-Moon distance