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Statistics Les mousquetaires

- Ranking -

Team created on the 2006-11-21 by icliciclic

3 participating members

3 men (100%) no woman

Trois p\\\'tits gars dans un seul bureau de création
Des vrais forcenés du travail, des bêtes de somme infatigables. Ils n\\\'ont qu\\\'un but, devenir l\\\'équipe la plus efficace, dopés au rythme des titres rock les plus entrainants...

Total Avg/Member Global Ranking
572Km 190Km 928M Distance : 675 / 2669
3 050 822 Keystrokes 1 016 941 Keystrokes Keystrokes : 1058 / 2669
2 695 379 Clicks 898 460 Clicks Clicks : 785 / 2669
1 083 196 Scrolls 361 065 Scrolls Scrolls : 1043 / 2669
This Week Avg/Member this Week
000M 0Cm 0M
0 Keystrokes 0 Keystrokes
0 Clicks 299 487 Clicks
0 Scrolls 120 355 Scrolls

The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:

1 041 423 marmots in a queue

127 285 cars in a traffic-jam

2 161 aircraft carrier in a single file

268 Normandie's bridge crossing

11 Channel Tunnel crossing

1 pleins de gazole en Citroën AX

0.01 travels around the world

0.1% of the Earth-Moon distance