Statistics La bande des BG
Les bg tkt la base des fat quoi
Total | Avg/Member | Global Ranking |
765Km | 34Km 776M | Distance : 558 / 2669 |
11 424 289 Keystrokes | 519 286 Keystrokes | Keystrokes : 487 / 2669 |
5 388 312 Clicks | 244 923 Clicks | Clicks : 502 / 2669 |
4 236 766 Scrolls | 192 580 Scrolls | Scrolls : 459 / 2669 |
This Week | Avg/Member this Week |
000M 0Cm | 0M |
0 Keystrokes | 0 Keystrokes |
0 Clicks | 61 231 Clicks |
0 Scrolls | 48 145 Scrolls |
The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:
1 391 033 marmots in a queue
170 015 cars in a traffic-jam
2 887 aircraft carrier in a single file
357 Normandie's bridge crossing
15 Channel Tunnel crossing
1.4 pleins de gazole en Citroën AX
0.02 travels around the world
0.2% of the Earth-Moon distance