Statistics Bleach-AnimE.NeT
Equipe de la Team de Bleach-Anime.NeT. Spécialement sur Bleach ;)
Total | Avg/Member | Global Ranking |
8Km | 8Km 884M | Distance : 2125 / 2669 |
150 168 Keystrokes | 150 168 Keystrokes | Keystrokes : 2045 / 2669 |
56 816 Clicks | 56 816 Clicks | Clicks : 2099 / 2669 |
72 115 Scrolls | 72 115 Scrolls | Scrolls : 1954 / 2669 |
This Week | Avg/Member this Week |
2Km 128M 37Cm | 709M |
26 168 Keystrokes | 8 723 Keystrokes |
13 812 Clicks | 18 939 Clicks |
19 828 Scrolls | 24 038 Scrolls |
The members of this team ran with their mouse the equivalent of:
16 152 marmots in a queue
1 974 cars in a traffic-jam
34 aircraft carrier in a single file
4 Normandie's bridge crossing
0 Channel Tunnel crossing
0 plein de gazole en Citroën AX
0 travels around the world
0% of the Earth-Moon distance