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- Statistics -

 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1Hippo Salade 275Km 403M275Km 445M2667 6569 19/01/2011
 2Zilly 160Km 932M364Km 756M1855 7882 17/08/2008
 3Moufette 104Km 194M104Km 194M6649 6568 12/02/2010
 4domi175 93Km 046M93Km 305M7212 6569 05/07/2007
 5slb 84Km 984M84Km 987M7672 6569 19/07/2007
 6FRANCIS 41Km 251M41Km 488M11373 6569 04/06/2007
 7Hippo Home 1Km 544M1Km 544M21756 6068 08/07/2008