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Ranking VLFSH

- Statistics -

 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1minerveca 58Km 429M58Km 429M9615 6612 27/05/2007
 2CaptainOats 48Km 152M48Km 196M10627 6613 17/03/2007
 3Navet 44Km 451M44Km 487M11004 6613 04/06/2007
 4jipeh 23Km 882M23Km 882M14099 6612 01/04/2007
 5shamus_zeBear 9Km 129M9Km 129M17822 6612 22/02/2007
 6machin00 2Km 124M2Km 129M21274 6613 15/02/2007
 7Grrgl 0Km 387M0Km 387M23196 7845 06/02/2007