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Ranking The destructive tortoises

- Statistics -

 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1krokette 256Km 176M256Km 176M2898 6765 28/09/2007
 2JreGoR 252Km 978M268Km 410M2741 6872 25/08/2009
 3ZeFlyingSaucisse 61Km 918M61Km 918M9323 5911 30/04/2009
 4Salem 56Km 516M56Km 516M9802 6769 31/08/2006
 5Krho 45Km 226M45Km 226M10919 6862 03/11/2006
 6iznogoud 43Km 033M43Km 033M11192 6862 05/02/2008