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 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1franc0ise 764Km 409M764Km 409M587 6744 26/01/2008
 2Kristof 101Km 257M101Km 403M6800 6751 12/07/2007
 3duanra03 96Km 381M96Km 381M7048 6736 24/03/2007
 4Kristof (PC n°2) 46Km 561M46Km 561M10783 6743 23/01/2007
 5FC 34Km 929M34Km 929M12265 6744 01/11/2006
 6Foaly 20Km 002M118Km 882M6016 5277 13/09/2006
 7Barbarius 18Km 413M6384Km 019M14 7292 05/09/2006
 8ambre8168 17Km 124M17Km 124M15546 6742 05/10/2006
 9Nelapsi 16Km 919M16Km 919M15590 6721 05/02/2007
 10aur3li3n 11Km 908M11Km 908M16959 6741 29/08/2006
 11laura1106 7Km 501M7Km 501M18458 6724 20/11/2006
 12djo-six 5Km 370M5Km 370M19361 6732 04/11/2006
 13missaudrey40 1Km 002M1Km 002M22321 6740 15/10/2006