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Ranking Rambo-team

- Statistics -

 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1Limace 81Km 127M81Km 127M7886 6583 16/03/2008
 2Eowine 71Km 557M71Km 557M8543 6584 02/01/2008
 3kalyne 43Km 530M43Km 530M11132 6581 19/06/2008
 4Tisseur de rêves 37Km 728M37Km 728M11842 6584 05/01/2008
 5Psychomarmotte 32Km 996M33Km 002M12567 6584 06/05/2007
 6NoTo 15Km 958M31Km 839M12737 6614 22/03/2007
 7Liath666 12Km 583M109Km 104M6434 6583 07/02/2007
 8Stag 8Km 046M19Km 678M14918 6603 19/02/2007
 9Ysabel 3Km 300M3Km 300M20479 6582 04/02/2007
 10wiki 2Km 973M3Km 387M20425 6582 11/02/2007