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Ranking Les Gardons Fous

- Statistics -

 Rank Username Participation Total Main Rank Days Last Send
 1andrelec1 346Km 123M362Km 885M1875 6740 27/10/2010
 2Anachoreta 326Km 647M328Km 648M2145 6644 26/07/2010
 3Day 6 184Km 898M184Km 898M4093 6638 09/09/2007
 4Diabledevil 74Km 519M74Km 519M8337 6578 30/05/2007
 5lodoodoo 39Km 880M39Km 880M11576 6257 04/02/2008
 6NitricAO 12Km 332M12Km 332M16805 6086 19/06/2008
 7DarkJinai 9Km 225M29Km 871M13042 6271 27/12/2007
 8rodolphe 8Km 933M8Km 933M17886 6637 29/03/2007
 9Julian84 8Km 125M46Km 792M10757 6266 27/12/2007
 10reveuzz-anais 0Km 130M0Km 130M23862 6257 21/12/2007